
Showing posts from October, 2023

Day One

      Can I just say, in the nicest way possible, that Dani terrified me on the way there? I love her to bits and pieces, but I have a trauma response to passing the California welcome booth, because when her coolant relay gave out, that's where it gave out.     I don't think my passenger noticed, because at that point he was starting to yawn, but I was white-knuckling that whole area. Whatever, I've dealt with worse.     It was when we stopped to get gas that I might've fucked up a little. I say get gas, but that's a nicer way of saying my coffee ran through me and I was trying to let Nick sleep, but it was wake him up or pee myself. Needless to say, I pulled over at the next exit and woke him up.      When we got back from the bathrooms, a homeless guy wandered up to me-- me, who had decided to put gas in anyway, even though I had half a tank left, AND I saw the homeless guy, but I refused to be deterred from my mission-- and asked if I had a cigarette. Honestly,

This Reminds Me: a baby post that isn't about my anxiety

     Since I'm documenting this trip, I figured I should share the one thing I'm realizing about actual trips. The ones with nights, since you all know I mostly do beach days .      Packing is confusing!  It's a beach trip, but I know I'll need actual clothes since I will be perceived outside of the beach and hotel room and yet. I rearranged my beach duffle bag, packed four towels and four swimsuits with shoes and coverups, and I have not packed ANYTHING outside of that.      I literally leave the day after tomorrow. And I have no idea what clothes to pack. I have not even LOOKED at my suitcase. Holy God. Suddenly I can't remember what people put in suitcases to go places. Suddenly I want to pack like I'm going to shit my pants 27 times a day and be lost in the wilderness for a million years.     This is also going to be such a niche post, but maybe I've talked about him enough that you'll all understand/remember. My uncle is always on me to bring water

Ohhhhh my god, I'm a bundle of nerves

      It has been so entirely long since I updated this!     In my defense, if you've read some of the past posts, you'd know Dani and I have had our fair share of trials when we drive to the beach, and so, regrettably, I've been a little shy about going. Not that I'm afraid of getting stranded; rather, I'm afraid of... I guess, causing damage so hardcore that I end up losing Dani forever. Which kind of traps me into a self-fulfilling Catch-22, doesn't it?     When I bought her, that was my primary love-- driving her up and down the coast-- and yet I am so afraid to lose her that I deprive her of our love. And so, before the California weather turns mildly chilly, I am endeavoring to the beach once more.     Okay. Also because I went on an opening to Florida, and I've never been, but some Florida beaches are on my list, and then I got eaten alive by bugs and told there was flesh-eating bacteria in the water, and so I was a beach-loving Pisces STUCK, landlock