Are you fucking kidding me? A memoir

No one is ever going to believe this. Picture this, okay? I'm getting home from a date, ready to sleep for three hours and hit the road, two cans of tripleshot espresso in my fridge. Everything goes according to plan. I'm ready to see Oxnard State Beach. I have an insulated lunch box to keep my iPhone from getting too hot. And my uncle made me bring water. It's an amazing drive. Excluding the fact that my car is old and has a tendency to get too hot on long drives-- easily fixed by turning the heater on full blast and opening the windows, btw-- my odometer never went below 90mph and I was absolutely vibing, totally ready for the beach and to see my uncle, who lives in the city next to Oxnard. I pull off the freeway. My car has been solid the whole drive: no noise, no lights, no worrying signs. Trust me, I check her. I am five minutes away from the beach. Then this motherfucker starts losing power. Not sud...