Car Cleaning: a road trip necessity

     Okay, okay. I admit it. My car's a fucking trainwreck. I'm the only one that rides in her, and sometimes I have a tendency to let some mess slip by the wayside. Who is it bothering, right? 

    Then. Then I spill salt on my seats and promise myself I'll clean it, over and over and over again, but I'm the only one who ever goes in my car so who fucking cares, except I kind of do, lowkey, and I'm anemic so it's a disgusting temptation of desperation, but still, it's SALT, and somehow it got all over my winter peacoat, which, why do I even have in my car, Jackie, it's fucking June? It was 115 degrees the other day, but I have a fucking peacoat in my car? Someone make this bitch make sense.

    But when I go on a trip, it's kind of like those juice cleanses people do, except it's not a scam and I don't gain any weight back once I start eating solid food. Point: it's rejuvenating. Kind of like those eye creams that are also a scam. Did I just discover something better than Olay? Not that that's hard to do. Better than dropping $600 on La Mer or Khiel's or something, because some of us are broke. These trips are a'ight because I don't eat and my car has surprisingly good mileage for a 2002 shitbox. Anyway, I like to feel new, wholesome, like I have my life together and never figured out that a knife feels better on your wrist than it does cutting a vegetable. Holy shit, y'all, that was dark.

    But it's true! On a beach, I don't care about my stretch marks. I don't care that I'm bigger than I'd like to be. I don't care that I used my wrist as a cutting board. Is anyone watching? Sure! Maybe! That's life! Am I gonna care? No! The ocean drowns whoever she wants to, whenever she wants to! VIGOR.

    Anyway so I documented this important process, because tomorrow when I wake up at 4am and grab my triple shot can and hit the road, I can feel like I, for once, have my life entirely together. Which will be a lie when I come back to reality but still

     Also I forgot to take after pictures. Look, you're just gonna have to trust me. It's clean.

Yes, that is a sticker that says beach bound

I was unashamedly bumping Taylor Swift in this Uncle Rayski's because I was the only car there at 1am, and also because Red drops November 19th! AHHHHH!

I don't know how I clean her windows every time I get gas and she's still so filthy.

Okay, but lowkey how lucky was I to get a shitbox with a motherfucking MOONROOF. That shit is fucking ICONIC, y'all.

See? Peacoat. What the fuck.

Not me casually carrying a mug from my house and a copy of Midnight Sun

My face when I looked at my car and realized how bad I'd let it go

I use my driver's side pocket as a mini trash can.

She was missing half this paint when I got her, I swear!


Literally only I could clean out my car and find an empty box of Chinese takeout. Chinese food is my guilty pleasure, and once I start thinking about it, I can't stop. Fuck my life.

I was not kidding. Salt. There is salt. There was salt. All over my passenger seat. Fuck my anemic ass lmfao.

    And there you have it! No after pictures but again. Trust me. Was I going to go to an Uncle Rayski's, clean the exterior and leave? No. A vacuum was right there, and the salt had been bugging me for a month. You read me right. A fucking month.

    Thank God for beach trips that help me get my life together a little bit. See ya when I leave in 10 hours!


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