02/17/22: fair warning, the literature museum was dope, and this is long
Grandma's House
I had the best day today. Uncle Dirk and I went to some museums and hung around Lima for an entire day. We tried to see the changing of the guards, but they weren't doing them anymore cause of COVID. We found this cool looking building on our way there, at least.
So instead we got lunch at this total hole in the wall. I was skeptical at first, but it turns out they made my FAVORITE dish that my mom always made, and I assumed she just slapped it together, but no!! That's a legitimate dish. I was in love. Even though the bathroom was the size of a utility closet, and you had to wash your hands in the same sink as the kitchen, and the "water" wasn't water at all, but some kind of lukewarm tea.
The first course of ceviche practically melted in my mouth, and my second dish, my favorite, was split peas, rice, and fish. My whole life, I swear, I assumed Mom made that patchwork dish for maximum protein. I was wrong! Never had I been happier to be wrong.
We went to find Casa de la Gastronomia, a museum about the history of Peruvian foods, but it was closed! We peeked inside and it looked beautiful, so that bummed us both out. But off we went, our spirits still high, to Casa de la Literatura, a Peruvian literature museum. It turned out to be right next to the bar we'd hung out at with Jenny. We'd just missed it.
Literatura was free, and you could take photos, and it was gorgeous.
The first exhibit was a bunch of art of the famous authors, and a map of the linguistics, and where they were most concentrated in Peru.
An exhibit there featured Peruvian authors' poems, and that was really... Oh my God, some of them were heartbreaking and relatable.
I'll put the translations of everything at the bottom.
There was an exhibit that looked like my room's walls at home-- I joke that my room is the "redrum" room; my walls were decorated the exact time Stephanie had that first tiktok dream about me-- and that whole museum was so cool. I had fun deciphering the exhibits, occasionally googling words, but for the most part, figuring things out myself with context. That'll be on the bottom.
Afterwards, we were dying for refreshments. Uncle Dirk wanted coffee, and I wanted something cold, so we voted frappuccinos, and set off in search of Starbucks. We passed the Chocolate Museum on our way, and decided to stop in. It smelled amazing.
We sampled a lot of their wares, and spent half an hour picking out what chocolates we wanted. At the cashier, we realized they had a cafe with frappuccinos! What luck! We could see them making chocolate while we drank.
They were insane. Dark chocolate frappuccinos. I'm not really a dark chocolate person but Uncle Dirk is, so he finished his first. I made it through about half of mine before I tapped out and he drank the rest of it.
Refreshed, we went to the Museum of Pisco, the national alcoholic beverage of Peru. Still, I'm not sure if it's more closely related to vodka or tequila, but their sampling portion involved us swirling different Piscos in our mouths, and there was no severe burn, or urge to gag after tasting it for that long. I love vodka, but that shit burns, and having it in my mouth for too long-- if I'm not already fucking wasted; then I can't taste anything and it's like water-- makes me want to gag when I've swallowed.
That's what she said. Anyway.
Tasted some, bought some more-- roughly 4 bottles were in Uncle Dirk's backpack after that; he had one, I had three-- and the warmth in my stomach was fantastic. Grandma's driver wasn't available until 8pm, and it was only 5pm, so Uncle Dirk and I found a bar doing Happy Hour and ordered more drinks. He made fun of me because I was nursing mine instead of chugging it like he did.
We were the only people inside the bar and for some reason, the waiter gave me the remote to their TV playing music. I was embarrassed to do this, but I played Taylor Swift. It turns out Uncle Dirk does enjoy some of her music! Good taste runs in the family. Somewhat.
In between all of this, I was doing a lot of souvenir shopping. Souvenirs and stuff for myself, not questioning whether I'd have enough room in my suitcase yet.
I will.
It was the best day.
PS: I was trying to get Uncle Dirk's attention at a market stall, and I almost said Dad. I managed to catch myself and changed course-- so I thought-- but instead the word "Dad" still almost came out. I caught it too, but only after the first part. I said "Duncle." Someone murder me.
1) I'm a man.
I have built a temple
where my virility has no limits.
Five virgins surround me
by day I undress them when contemplating them
At night I cover their bodies
with my anguished and renewed semen.
this need
It comes to me from a very young age;
when i tried to ring
moans woke me up
of my mother and her lover.
But I am a man.
nobody dares
to desecrate my kingdoms.
2) Being away from the places where part
of our life wraps them in stunned sweetness.
nostalgia is fierce
oh vacant parks beaches and bars
from whose consistency I start
the fear of meeting again in front of them
is the fear of the unreal
nothing remains untouched
the unreal was ours despite the consummation
of places and things
3) a poem per day
any bread to devour
big ass eyes
they will smile at me intelligently
and they will make me blush
immediately leave
urgently urgent
forget suitcases
miss the train
a poem per day
and any bread to devour
4) I love the sign we put up
about our desire
and transformed without revealing himself.
I love abandoned roads
before tiredness
I love the city you live in
the wound we made
I love everything of yours that I have left
and everything of mine that identifies you
5) I am
the bad girl in history
the one that fornicates with three men
and I cheated on her husband.
I am the woman
that I deceive him daily
for a miserable plate of lentils,
the one that slowly took off her clothes of goodness
until it turns to stone
black and barren,
I am the woman who castrated him
with infinite gestures of tenderness
and fake moans in bed.
I am
the bad girl in history.
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