The update. Well, a quasi-update

     So my mechanics drove Dani around and checked all necessary components, and said everything looked and felt good. Which reassured me, but all the previous attempts have me spooked. With my luck, the length of time driving will unveil a necessary component breaking down. But I will be damned if I waste one of the last warm weekends, simply because of fear. No, no. Instead, I have devised The Plan.

Jackie's Plan of Attack

    I know these beach trips are all spontaneous. All what the fuck ever, I go wherever. Now, thanks to the previous attempts, they are slightly more planned. A full hydro of water, some snacks, a charger and a cooler thing to use when my phone tries to overheat. But because I want to try this trip under as little stress as possible, I have added more shit to my stupid ideas.

    Firstly, I did not clean my car. This was less intentional and more I just ran out of time and didn't feel like it when I finally had time. I did clean out the chunks of paper and cans of coffee rolling around in the front seat. That felt like enough.

    Secondly, I am leaving slightly earlier than normal. This is twofold: both because I like night driving-- at least, when it's night-to-day. Day-to-night can go die in a ditch, tbh. And also because I want to add as little stress as possible. After all, the transmission only overheated because I'd been driving a long time in hot weather with a failing coolant relay. Maybe that wouldn't have happened in the earlier hours. 

    Thirdly, I am strategizing. My sister joked about having her phone on loud tomorrow, and debating which one of the two would pick me up, probably my brother in law. As much faith as I continue to have in Dani, I said I would appreciate it, just in case.

    And now for just a regular life update: babysitting was great, and did you know babysitters make bank? I did not, because I did not babysit prior to my previous childcare job. I didn't know any parents and also they typically want some experience. Now I have that, plus bonds with their children. I know someone who makes $175 for watching two kids-- who love her, btw, so they listen to her-- for like, five hours.

    [Insert Olivia Rodrigo's iconic God I wish that I could do that audio here]

    This weekend earned some beach money for sure. Speaking of beaches, I decided to go visit my uncle again, but he is busy until 3pm, so I was like, fuck yeah dude, I can check out some Ventura beaches. Mother's Beach it is!

    I'd say more, but I'm leaving at 3, and I'm not sleepy on the drives there, but I for sure will be sleepy and anxious on the drive back-- I fucking hate the oncoming traffic headlights blinding me with the stupid sharp curves. I'm always convinced I'll die. It's a necessary evil, but evil nonetheless.

    Anyway I'm sleepy for future me. Also wish me luck because suffering happens either way: either my car breaks down, or I am just so so so tired for the next week. 

    Pray with me, to whomever you wish: Dear God, I guess, John Mulaney, Vegeta, Taylor Swift, that one TikTok dude who does a lot of trauma stories to the Eminem's My Mom audio or to the I understood the assignment one, because those are just so fucking funny:

    Please, please, please, do not let my car break down in California, or anywhere that is not Las Vegas. Preferably do not let her break down at all. I love California. Being stranded there, in a city with a bed and food for me, is great. Can't really afford missing work, though. I want to do my beach trips again. Please, please please, Universe. Let me have this serotonin again.

    In Baby J's name, Amen.


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