Mother's Beach: 7/10

My alarm went off, and my stupid sleepy dumb ass turned it off and continued snoring. In my defense, I was just really fucking tired. So I woke up at six, and when the realization hit, yelled, "Oh, shit!", took my medicine, and left. Because as any good road tripper knows, you always sleep in your road trip clothes. Duh. And my beach bag was already in my car-- duh-- so I just filled my water and left, though the idea of leaving when the sun was already up and people were on the roads filled me with absolute disgust, but you know what? Why treat Dani with kid gloves her first trip if I'm going to be riding her hard every other time? So I'm not saying to drive her into the ground. I'm saying my thought process was more "don't set a precedent." peep the sunlight on my car. ew She drove really well, actually. I stopped to pee-- I know! -- because I thought maybe she could use a break. I was really worried she wouldn't start, and ...