
Showing posts from September, 2021

Mother's Beach: 7/10

     My alarm went off, and my stupid sleepy dumb ass turned it off and continued snoring. In my defense, I was just really  fucking tired. So I woke up at six, and when the realization hit, yelled, "Oh, shit!", took my medicine, and left.     Because as any good road tripper knows, you always sleep in your road trip clothes. Duh. And my beach bag was already in my car-- duh-- so I just filled my water and left, though the idea of leaving when the sun was already up and people were on the roads filled me with absolute disgust, but you know what? Why treat Dani with kid gloves her first trip if I'm going to be riding her hard every other time? So I'm not saying to drive her into the ground. I'm saying my thought process was more "don't set a precedent."   peep the sunlight on my car. ew     She drove really well, actually. I stopped to pee-- I know! -- because I thought maybe she could use a break. I was really worried she wouldn't start, and I

The update. Well, a quasi-update

      So my mechanics drove Dani around and checked all necessary components, and said everything looked and felt good. Which reassured me, but all the previous attempts have me spooked. With my luck, the length of time driving will unveil a necessary component breaking down. But I will be damned if I waste one of the last warm weekends, simply because of fear. No, no. Instead, I have devised The Plan. Jackie's Plan of Attack     I know these beach trips are all spontaneous. All what the fuck ever, I go wherever. Now, thanks to the previous attempts, they are slightly more planned. A full hydro of water, some snacks, a charger and a cooler thing to use when my phone tries to overheat. But because I want to try this trip under as little stress as possible, I have added more shit to my stupid ideas.     Firstly, I did not clean my car. This was less intentional and more I just ran out of time and didn't feel like it when I finally had time. I did clean out the chunks of paper and

California, Part 3

     I haven't posted in a long time, because this is a car blog, and a beach blog, and a car beach blog, and there wasn't a whole lot to report. I have  been watching a lot of Superstore lately, which is why this is titled California, Part 3. It only makes sense to continue it from where Amy Sosa left off, when she ditches Jonah to go to California. It sounds familiar, except she didn't leave in the dead of night. Jonah did, when he left business school. As he tells it, he was so burnt out that he took a night drive. He just kept driving, and driving, and driving, until he got hungry and stopped at a store in St Louis. They were hiring. He applied. The rest is history.     What a long fucking tangent. Have I mentioned I love Superstore? I started making edits on my TikTok, which I have to make private for a short amount of time. It'll be public again soon!     Back to your regularly scheduled programming:     Never fear for a lack of content, however, because I, a cert