Dani & Jackie: the endurance team
Yesterday was... a rough day for Dani. I got her back from the mechanics, because they couldn't find anything wrong. Every test drive came up perfect, the transmission repair guy came, drove her, checked the transmission out electronically and manually. She was fine. I took her back, and drove her. She still felt weird to me. But I couldn't say for sure, because what did a new transmission feel like? I don't know. Then, her thermostat started being weird. Remember how I said she drove eleven hours without overheating? Suddenly she started overheating. Nothing too crazy, but every time I slowed down, her temperature went up, and every time I sped up, it went back down. It was only when I got home and parked that I heard the noise. An ominous sound. I didn't want to look under the hood, I didn't. I didn't. But I was nothing if not very "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back". I was nothing if ...